A devoted and well-informed team
Theologian and bioethecian
Annie Dubé
Owner-director of the Signature Funeral Home
Having a master’s degree in theology as well as a bioethics diploma from the University of Montreal, Mrs. Annie Dubé is interested by the ethic and the rituals that impact the crucial moments of human existence; more precisely the funeral rituals. Her journey influences greatly the Signature Funeral Home’s approach which is to respectfully and meaningfully organize a unique person’s celebration of life. Mrs. Dubé is able to offer this place of commemoration to the community with the help of her devoted and qualified team that shares her philosophy.

Annie Dubé

Judith Charlebois

Annick Pitcher

Monique Samson
Signature Funeral Home personnel consists of 4 consultants towards grieving families. Other than Mrs. Annie Dubé, director and Mrs. Mélanie Vachon, thanalogist, two other persons help people touched by grief on a daily basis. Mrs. Annick Pitcher and Mrs. Judith Charlebois guide families in the organization of the last farewells to a dearly departed.
The consultants towards grieving families play a very important role in the healing process induced by the loss. Empathy, respect, open-mindedness and the capacity to truly listen define these people’s work. Grieving people need to confide and to be supported; the Signature Funeral Home consultants are comforting guides in regards to the procedures following a loss. The assisting nature of the relationship is an important part of their work. The consultant is an attentive ear and a reassuring presence.
The Signature Funeral Home’s team of professionals wouldn’t be complete without the presence of the funeral directors, pallbearers, transporters, maintenance workers and guardians. It is only as a unit, as a team, that we may pursue our mission and be able to celebrate life in dignity.